1、500 Internal Server Error:服务器遇到了不知道如何处理的情况。
1. 500 Internal Server Error: the server encountered a situation that it did not know how to handle.
2、501 Not Implemented:此请求方法不被服务器支持且无法被处理。只有GET和HEAD是要求服务器支持的,它们必定不会返回此错误代码。
2. 501 not implemented: this request method is not supported by the server and cannot be processed. Only get and head are supported by the server, and they must not return this error code.
3、502 Bad Gateway:此错误响应表明服务器作为网关需要得到一个处理这个请求的响应,但是得到一个错误的响应。
3. 502 bad gateway: this error response indicates that the server as a gateway needs to get a response to handle this request, but it gets an error response.
4、503 Service Unavailable:服务器没有准备好处理请求。 常见原因是服务器因维护或重载而停机。
4. 503 service unavailable: the server is not ready to process requests. Common causes are server downtime due to maintenance or heavy load.
6、504 Gateway Timeout:当服务器作为网关,不能及时得到响应时返回此错误代码。
6. 504 gateway timeout: this error code is returned when the server, as a gateway, cannot receive a response in time.
7、505 HTTP Version Not Supported:服务器不支持请求中所使用的HTTP协议版本。
7. 505 HTTP version not supported: the server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.
8、506 Variant Also Negotiates:服务器有一个内部配置错误:对请求的透明内容协商导致循环引用。
8. 506 variant also negotiations: the server has an internal configuration error: transparent content negotiation on the request leads to circular reference.
9、507 Insufficient Storage:服务器有内部配置错误:所选的变体资源被配置为参与透明内容协商本身,因此不是协商过程中的适当端点。
9. 507 insufficient storage: the server has an internal configuration error: the selected variant resource is configured to participate in the transparent content negotiation itself, so it is not the appropriate endpoint in the negotiation process.
10、508 Loop Detected (WebDAV (en-US)):服务器在处理请求时检测到无限循环。
10. 508 loop detected (WebDAV (EN US)): the server detected an infinite loop while processing the request.
11、510 Not Extended:客户端需要对请求进一步扩展,服务器才能实现它。服务器会回复客户端发出扩展请求所需的所有信息。
11. 510 not extended: the client needs to further extend the request before the server can implement it. The server replies to all the information the client needs to make an extension request.
12、511 Network Authentication Required:511 状态码指示客户端需要进行身份验证才能获得网络访问权限
12. 511 network authentication required: the 511 status code indicates that the client needs authentication to obtain network access