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来源:http://www.jnzyjz.cn/ 发布时间:2021-04-23

In fact, the style of the website or the display content of the website page will have an impact on the SEO optimization effect, but the size of the impact still depends on the actual situation of the keywords to be optimized. When the webmaster's website belongs to different industries and types, and the keywords he wants to optimize are different, the needs of target traffic users are also different. If the website page style can be designed to meet the needs of users, then the SEO optimization effect of the website will be better.
For example, a website sells industrial products, and the target optimization keywords are also related to it. Then the search users of these keywords have different needs. Some may need to purchase products, and some may need to view and download relevant manuals or materials. In the part of the traffic that needs to purchase products, some of them may want to see the evaluation, and some may want to see the case. In this way, even if there is only one keyword, many different user needs will be derived.
In this case, if you want to quickly optimize your website to the search engine home page through normal SEO optimization, you can choose to start with page design and display content.
For example, in addition to purchasing products, users need more information, cases and evaluations. When designing product page styles, you can consider displaying relevant information, cases and evaluations on this page or adding entries. In this way, the website can meet the needs of many users. If the website can meet all the needs and most of the needs of users searching for a certain keyword, it will not be too difficult for the website to get the ranking position of this keyword in the search engine.
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